Align: Prenatal is a three session virtual coaching package that integrates postural alignment awareness, simple movement strategies to weave into your day, and information and mindset support as you move through pregnancy.

In pregnancy, our bodies are in relationship to gravity that changes almost daily. Some muscles compensate for others, which can pull us out of alignment. When the bones are stacked and aligned, gravity pulls on them evenly and the muscles relax around them. when we move out of alignment (and yeah! We all do) our muscles have to work harder to hold up the bones.

Alignment is also making your internal world match your outside world. When our external lives don’t align with our internal longings, values, and desires, we suffer. It really feels like shit. When we fight gravity, we suffer.

To align is to work with gravity, to create structure in stacked bones so the muscles can relax and respond around them. Finding alignment creates space: space to breathe, to relax, to choose, to grow. Likewise, we need information and support to align our choices and actions to our values, preferences, desires and dreams.

Physical Alignment

Better alignment means more comfort now during pregnancy, so your muscles don’t have to fight against gravity to hold you up, because the bones are stacked. It also means we stack the deck in your favor for a smoother birth, prevention of injury, and an easier postpartum recovery.

Information & Education

You’ll know your options. Understand the process. Make sure your provider is aligned with your intentions, and if not, I’ll help you find one who is. We debrief your appointments and make sure it all makes sense. An informed mind is a settled mind. We can’t plan out birth, really, but we can create agency through understanding.


Aligning Intentions

more than just a birth plan! We will get clear on your goals and desires, and the atmosphere and mindset you’ll create for birth, parenting, and beyond. We’ll focus on your intentions and let them guide us at every step. We’ll plan for postpartum. We’ll create space to process your feelings and prep your relationship for what’s next.

Practice Coping for Labor

We will get you comfortable and familiar with different positions and movements for labor, so that when the time comes, you can find your flow and let the movements come naturally, guided by your intuition and your body’s wisdom. We will explore a variety of tools to get you in a mindset of options, support, and flow.


Alignment is a tool, not a rule. It’s something we’re in conversation with. Curious and playful, ever adjusting. Our bodies (and minds) are always changing, pruning pathways, forming new connections and habits. We think it’s hard to “break” a habit but our habits aren’t static, they’re actually living, always shifting. We’re works in progress. Pardon our dust.

your intentions

your options

your posture

your understanding

your autonomy

your support

your intentions • your options • your posture • your understanding • your autonomy • your support •

Align: Prenatal includes
One 90 minute initial session:
One on one alignment assessment, attuning your body’s unique needs in pregnancy
Recommendations: simple movements (usually 3) to weave into your day, custom tailored to your body and lifestyle
2 60 minute followup sessions: trouble shooting movements, progressing, addressing what comes up
mindset support- helping you understand your options and align your intentions
informational support: answer your questions, point you to evidence based resources.
