Nourish: Postpartum

Smoothing something jagged. Oil gliding over dry skin, seeping into cracks. Smooth and warm. Collagen. Quiet. Repair. Replenishing blood, replenishing rest. Watching tree leaves dance on a breeze. Watching the birds. A warm soup that fills the cracks inside. Gentle movement, enough to send the blood around leisurely. A warm blanket. Outstretched limbs. Warm hands. An ear, a shoulder. A friend. Freedom to rest. Freedom to let yourself rest.


Food and Meal Prep

I am a food enthusiast, it’s true, and furthermore I am a soup enthusiast. First of all, if you don’t already have a Meal Train set up, let’s do that! It’s so much fun eating different foods dropped off by people you love. But I love to cook for my postpartum clients. I get to think of them and infuse love and healing into the food as it bubbles away, just for them.

Thai Yoga Body Work

I am a huge believer in Thai yoga body work postpartum. I do a little 15-20 minute practice with my clients, usually at the start of our session. For some of my clients, it’s challenging to create that time for themselves. But the practice is so soothing, helps regulate an addled nervous system, move circulation around the body, and support healing. I am just such a fan.


Emotional Support

This shit ain’t easy. It was never supposed to be. Did you know the sound of a crying baby has been used in torture scenarios? So is…lack of sleep. Despite all the beauty, despite falling in love more deeply than you thought possible, this time can be really tough. But it helps to know you’re not alone. Just to have another adult to talk to. And someone who’s really focused on supporting you, who gets it and has your back, that’s helpful too.

Logistics/Tending Your Life

Laundry. Dishes. Groceries. They’re kinda the least of your worries but… they’re not exactly going anywhere. Let me grab that for you. Go take a shower. Have a nap. Yes, that’s what I’m here for. I also want to help your support system support you: for example, let’s make a list on your phone of all the little things that need doing, so when someone asks how they can help, you can turn to the list instead of reflexively saying ‘oh we’re fine but thank you!’


As an RN, I’m privileged to witness and support people from all over the world during this special and vulnerable time. I am so fascinated by postpartum cultural practices from all over the world, and always humbled and awed by how much they have in common. Warmth, soups, warming spices. Protection, quiet and peace. Being looked after and in the company of nurturing femme companions. Minerals, fiber, and collagen. Whether its putting cotton in the ears in Guatemala (brilliant! keeping the warmth in and the cold out, and the quiet in and the world out) or bathing in warm ginger tea in Hong Kong (brilliant! warming, soothing, and supportive of circulation,) the principals are remarkably similar, regardless of climate, and across cultures. With respect and solidarity, and without cultural appropriation, understanding the aims of these traditions can point to the shared needs during this sweet and vulnerable time, and you and I can work together to create routines that suit, support and soothe you in the here and now.

Package of 12 hours: $480