Why work with me?

You might be faced with some uncertainty. fear. feeling wobbly and unsure. ‘Cause the thing is, we are working with mystery here. Birth is nonlinear. it’s not knowable. but if you can be certain that you are supported, that your partner is supported in supporting you, then part of you can soften into the mystery. Whatever arises will be met. no feeling is too big to be felt. every sensation passes. When we are held, when we are met, we can do the unthinkable, the brave, the heroic, the miraculous. You are powerful. Strong. Gentle. Still, like a mountain, or roaring. You meet the moment, this moment here. the next right thing.

I’m obsessed with this shit. I’ve been learning about birth stuff for 8 years. I listen to a podcast about birth on my way home from a 12 hour shift of boobs, babes, and running around. I finish one certification and start another. I love it! I want to share what I’ve learned and help you get comfortable with the information you need so you can relax and do your thing.

I’m also a big nerd for the body. I offer one-on-one alignment assessments, where we look at how the changes of pregnancy have affected your alignment, and I suggest 3 movements for you to weave into your day in support of your comfort and ease. I also love to incorporate Thai Yoga Body Work, part of my training as a yoga teacher, especially with my postpartum clients. It’s SO nourishing to the nervous system and it just feels really nice. I want every new mom to get their muscles squished!

I grew up in a military family, I have some comfort with discomfort. I am calm under fire and I like intense things. TikTok would tell you that I probably have ADHD but labels aside, as stakes rise, my ability to be present sharpens and I am a calm, grounding presence. Our brains always want to go towards a worst case scenario, that’s normal. Nothing crazy’s going to happen but if it does, babe, I got you.

I’m all about autonomy. Being in conversation with doctors and midwives is so interesting because there’s a power dynamic there and brings up all sorts of things. Of course it does. Being supported can help you use your voice, and advocate for yourself to have an empowering experience.

And, for me, birth is a spiritual process. It isn’t for everybody. But it is for me. I’ve been beyond fortunate to have spent time with lots of wise people in my life. I’ve been influenced by wisdom traditions like Christian mystics, yogis, a sprinkling of buddhism and a couple different flavors of earth-based spirituality. I can’t claim with any certainty that any of this wisdom has actually rubbed off, but on a good day, my practice keeps me even-keeled and in love with the world. On a bad day, it’s a shelter in the storm. Of course, my own healing has been my greatest teacher and I’ve collected a nice tote bag of little practices and somatic tools along the way that I love to share. As one of my teachers would say, “I can’t protect you from darkness or discomfort in birth. But I can go to your dark place with you. And I’m not gonna be afraid.”

Birth Philosophy

Birth is normal, safe, and social. Agency and decision-making power is with the family and good birth work centers attention and power with the person giving birth. Everybody needs support. Pregnancy and birth are normal life processes, that the body knows how to give birth, and birth is a time when humans draw near to spirit. Most importantly, people have autonomy and right to informed consent in making decisions related to medical care. I strive to forge working relationships rooted in consent, trust, and mutual aid.

I place my work within a context of inequity in health outcomes which is informed by structural racism, misogyny, and class inequality. I strive towards equity in my approach to birth work. I am proud to be a community doula through Richmond Doula Project, an amazing collective serving people regardless of pregnancy outcome and ability to pay.