
No two families are alike. Let’s set up a time to chat about the best support to meet you exactly where you’re at now.


Prenatally, it’s all about alignment. Physical alignment can optimize and prepare the body for a smoother birth & recovery prevent injury. Personally, I’ll support you as you align your intentions for birth and parenthood, and your knowledge, options, and preferences for the birth process.


Postpartum, your body needs nourishment in many forms: rest, quiet, connection, nutrients, and support. I love to incorporate Thai Yoga Body Work with my postpartum clients to help soothe the nervous system and reconnect with the body. I also love to prepare food for my postpartum clients & help with household tasks.


In labor, your body knows what to do. The trick is to create a sense of calm, so the brain can get out of the way. Through both prenatal education and hands-on, in-the-moment techniques, I’ll help you create your bubble of peace, and an atmosphere of calm and love so you can intuitively birth your baby.